Recently I've hit the ~1.0m (people reached) milestone. This is based on the number of views of posts I provided (so far 409 answers and 3 questions). That is roughly 2500 views per post, quite a good statistics. For example on the Activity part of my profile I can see a list of my questions sorted by the number of views however there is no similar listing for my answers.
I would like to get a list (say of length 20) of the most viewed posts of mine as well as for any user of Mathematica.stackexchange (especially for those who gave at least 100 answers/questions).
Can I get such a statistics automatically somwhere on Stackexchange or do I need harnessing something like SQL?
For example of nice exploiting of SQL see a diligent answer by C. E. to my old query Toward Mathematica.Stackexchange analytics.