I just finished my Honours Pure Mathematics degree at the University of Calgary. I have done research on applications of simplicial complexes to tetrahedron packing and contact number problems in sphere packings, non-standard models of Peano arithmetic, diagonal distance in quantum error correcting codes, asymptotic combinatorics of modal frames and game theory applications, nilpotent orbit varieties, and bicyclic convex 4-polytopes. I also defined a sequent calculus for dynamic topological logic, wrote a computational chemistry paper introducing the notion of Benzene aromarings, am collaborating with physicists on a black hole physics paper, and am founding a photovoltaic systems engineering company "SolarCube". I am also currently writing a book on the Geometric Analysis of Convex Bodies which studies the theory of rectification, the connection between elliptic curves and lattice packings, non-congruent sphere packing kissing numbers, homothetic translative covering problems, totally separable sphere packings, and the Mahler conjecture. I recently received a grant to research Applied Discrete Geometry (crystallography of solid state battery electrolytes) in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary and am starting a Masters degree in the fall under the supervision of Karoly Bezdek and Clifton Cunningham.
× 3Mar 17, 2021
AutobiographerJun 21, 2012
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