I am a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group at King's College London. I am a theoretical quantum physicist working on strong-field and ultrafast physics, and I study tunnel ionization and high-harmonic generation through analytical approaches. I'm mostly active over in Physics SE but I do most of my programming in Mathematica so I hang out here on occasion.
I've got a couple of Mathematica projects over on GitHub,
QuODD: Quantum Orbits Dynamic Dashboard, a package to visualize the effect of complex time contours on the complex trajectory for the quantum orbits formalism of strong-field physics.
RB-SFA, a package to calculate high-harmonic generation (HHG) emissions in the strong-field approximation (SFA), by direct time integration of the Lewenstein model.
ComplexFocus, a package that implements Complex Focus solutions of the Maxwell equations to describe highly non-paraxial beams of light in a simple and analytical fashion.
× 12Apr 13
CustodianApr 2, 2020
Citizen PatrolJan 16, 2016
CommentatorMar 31, 2014