6 votes

Should we cull content in community wiki omnibus Q&A's?

I wouldn't worry about good examples thread as it is for users who know, more or less, what they want to find. Or at least it is not a place you go when you are in hurry. It is the opposite to common ...
Kuba's user avatar
  • 137k
5 votes

Should we cull content in community wiki omnibus Q&A's?

In general I am not a fan of the Pitfalls question and would rather see single-topic canonical Q&A's for these common mistakes/confusions (like this) They could be united by a common tag to make ...
Simon Woods's user avatar
5 votes

Should we cull content in community wiki omnibus Q&A's?

I see the problem, but I think I agree with C.E. that culling may not be the best solution. At least for pitfalls, which has been organized into sub-topics, we might break the mega-question it ...
m_goldberg's user avatar
  • 108k

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