Since [Jin][1] has already put up [the (nearly) final design for the main site][2], here's the final code for producing our official logo, as adapted from the [code by wxffles][3] and the [coloring by Verbeia][4] (which is what I used when [I sent Jin the *.eps logo file][5]): p = Polygon[Table[N[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}], {t, Pi/10, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/5}]]; triangulate = Polygon[v_] :> (Polygon[Append[#, Mean[v]]] & /@ Partition[v, 2, 1, {1, 1}]); moretriangles = Polygon[{a_, b_, c_}] :> With[{ab = (a + b)/2, bc = (b + c)/2, ca = (c + a)/2}, {Polygon[{a, ab, ca}], Polygon[{ab, b, bc}], Polygon[{c, ca, ab}], Polygon[{c, ab, bc}]}]; shrink = Polygon[{a_, b_, c_}] :> With[{aa = (6 a + b + c)/8, bb = (a + 6 b + c)/8, cc = (a + b + 6 c)/8}, {Polygon[{a, b, bb, aa}], Polygon[{b, c, cc, bb}], Polygon[{c, a, aa, cc}], Polygon[{aa, bb, cc}]}]; colour3[s_: LightGray] := q : Polygon[{_, _, _}] :> {s, q}; PolygonCentroid[pts_?MatrixQ] := With[{dif = Map[Det, Partition[pts, 2, 1, {1, 1}]]}, ListConvolve[{{1, 1}}, Transpose[pts], {-1, -1}].dif/(3 Total[dif])] colour4[s_: "SunsetColors"] := Polygon[v_] /; Length[v] == 4 :> {ColorData[s, 8/7 - 35/34 Norm[PolygonCentroid[v]]], Polygon[v]} curve = Polygon[v_] :> FilledCurve[Line[Map[{10 - #, #}/10 &, Range[0, 10]].#] & /@ Partition[v, 2, 1, {1, 1}]]; bolics = v : {_?NumberQ, _} :> v Re[(ArcSin[2 Norm[v] - 1] + Pi/2)/2]; Graphics[p /. triangulate /. moretriangles /. shrink /. shrink /. colour3[] /. colour4[] /. curve /. bolics, ImageSize -> Full] Export["mmaSELogo.eps", %] ![enter image description here][6] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: