I wanted to learn how to make palettes, so I've made this bunch.
They are still beta, but I want to share them for cross-platform checking and bug hunting.
The functions aren't mine, and proper credit is included. I've made very few modifications to the original author's code in order to fit the palette programming requirements. A general credit to Szabolcs, from whom I've stolen the palettes' skeleton.
The master plan is integrating all the palettes once they are debugged enough.
Installation instructions for all palettes
You can download the palettes by executing the provided commands. After the download, a new notebook will open. Execute the (palette) code in the new notebook and you'll get something like this:
Presto! You (should) see the palette.
First one: Heike's wonderful torn[]
Command to download:
ImageData[Import@ "https://i.sstatic.net/bkLIy.png","Byte"],"NB"]
Second one: Mr. Wizard's answer to the xkcd fly catcher question
You'll need to install this font first.
Command to download:
ImageData[Import@ "https://i.sstatic.net/RJueG.png","Byte"],"NB"]
Third one: the generator for the download method used in the previous ones
A related discussion here (See Sjoerd's and my answers).
Warning: I've got mixed reports on this one. AFAIK it worked at least for Sjoerd and me (Win$). Linux and Mac users reported problems. Download it only if you agree with the potential usefulness of the method and you wish to help debugging.
Command to download:
ImageData[Import@ "https://i.sstatic.net/hjjsf.png","Byte"],"NB"]
Plot[Sin[x]*Cos[x], {x, -\[Pi], 3 \[Pi]}]
with the result which has a very different ratio.