Dear friends of the Mathematica persuasion, October is nearing and one rather obvious possibility to get personally in touch with WRI developers and Mathematica users at the same time in a big way (and make new users aware of this site) is the Wolfram Technology Conference in Champaign, IL from October 21-23.
I have been to this conference several times and can highly recommend it, both from a professional and personal point of view (2012, 2011, ...). Additionally, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of Mathematica, so the good people at WRI are bound to make sure of some special events as well.
Last year StackExchange offered support to help send a member of Mathematica.SE to the conference, and you can have a look at some results of that here. After my very positive experience last year (thanks, folks!), it should be worth to have another go at bolstering the Mathematica.SE percentage in Champaign.
So please post an answer to this question containing your arguments why you would like to to go to Champaign and receive SE support, what you would contribute etc.. Simply posting "yes" will not be helpful, you need to sell your case to SE and show the benefit to the site.
Please read this Q&A on how best to further our/your chances to get support
Who is going?
What conference is it, and what will you be doing there, besides attending?
When is the conference running? We need at least a month’s lead time to help you get your approval. If you’re under or near that before posting, you might want to think about next year instead.
Where is the conference located and how do you intend to get there?
Why should the community approve you to go to this sponsorship? More importantly, why should the community approve going to this specific conference? Basically, what will you do to bring this learning back to the community?
... and look at last year´s thread to get an idea.
Also, please don´t be too shy, because the conference is nearing quickly.
PS: Attendants who are already comfortably booked should also post a comment just to get an idea who will be there in any case. Also, getting swag in form of pens, sticker or even t-shirts should be possible, but someone should volunteer to distribute that during the conference.