I just voted to close this question, as it was really not about Mathematica but about Mathematica equivalents in other languages like Python. One of the sub-options to "Close as off-topic" is "Belongs on another stackexchange site". The only two choices for other sites, though, are meta.mathematica.se or math.se. Shouldn't stackoverflow be an option here? Can we make it so?

2 Answers 2


Just flag as you have done. Moderators can migrate to other sites if needed, and I have done so in this instance.

  • 1
    Thanks! Although, I wonder why comments migrate with the question. Often, as in this example, comments apropos for one site are not so on another. I deleted my comment on stackoverflow, asI wouldn't vote to close there. Commented Aug 19, 2013 at 0:05
  • 1
    @Mark I suppose it's so those comments are not lost outright. The moderator who migrates should really clean up the comments before doing so, but I have to admit I've forgotten to do that a number of times.
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Aug 19, 2013 at 15:20

As Verbeia has already mentioned, to migrate something to SO, just flag for moderator attention. Regarding the second part of your question — "Shouldn't stackoverflow be an option here? Can we make it so?", adding a migration option is done only if there's sufficient volume to warrant it (even if a site seems like a perfect migration target).

You can see the migration stats for the past 90 days in your 10k tools page. Here's the list for those who can't see it:

enter image description here

You can see that in past 3 months, we've migrated only 2 questions (including the question you mentioned above), of which one was rejected. In comparison, we've migrated 11/month with only a 9% rejection rate to Mathematics, which is why we have that line open.

Along the same lines, Mathematics used to keep sending us crap (even now, 2/3 rejected), which is why their request to open a direct migration path to us was declined.

  • Crystal clear - thanks! Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 14:42

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